Here's how I might be able to help you:

Why Work With Lou?

5 years ago, I was a struggling start-up entrepreneur living with my parents, making $500 per-month from my first E-Com business that struggled to gain any traction. I was completely broke.

To solve my financial situation, I began learning about digital marketing and the entrepreneurial mindset.

A few years later, a friend asked me to teach him how I'd managed to scale my original brand to 6-figures with a small team of 2. He offered to pay me money to partner with him and build out the same systems for his own DTC E-Com business.

That business rocketed to 6-figure months in 3-6 months and now turns over 2-3 million annually with a team of three, run from a home garage.

That day, my e-com training company was born. The guidance doc evolved into an 7-step framework and full-blown online coaching program.

Over the years, I've made over $10 million (8-figs) in online sales across multiple brands.

Shopify Masters highlighted Lou's ability to scale DTC Shopify Stores from 0-6 figure monthly revenues in 2019

BBC Dragons Den In June 2023, Lou pitched his nutrition company to the Dragons and achieved a successful bid for investment from Sara Davies (MBE) and billionaire Peter Jones (CBE).

Check this out...

In 2023, I was approached by the BBC to present my nutrition on Dragons Den and completed a successful bid from a multi-millionaire and billionaire.

I was nominated as Great British Entrepreneur of The Year finalist in 2022 and Most Influential CEO in 2023.

I'm now on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to go from great idea to unstoppable reality.

Building DTC Shopify brands is fun, fulfilling, rewarding and has allowed me to work from anywhere (I currently live in Bali, Indonesia), anytime (I work <4 hours a day on things I LOVE) and enjoy complete financial freedom.

Recently, I Began Sharing Everything I've Learned To Help Other Brands Scale.

Here are just a few people I've worked with so far...

Do you currently own a product based Shopify business, but you are stuck at 'x' per-month, and you cannot scale past it, no matter what you try?

If yes, meet my client Ryan Atha

(Scotland, UK)

He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make over £1,00,000 in online sales in the following 11 months, building his monthly

revenue from $19.8K per-month to $100k+

per-month, growing his business by +415%.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now tracking for $3M in annual revenue, sustainably

and predictably, going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you don't know" costing you?

Do you currently own a dropshipping store, but you do not know how to turn it into a sustainable, cash flowing BRAND with predictable monthly revenues?

If yes, meet my client Tadeh Vartanian

(Los Angeles, USA)

Tadeh a registered pharmacist who wanted to bring his own line or approved supplements to market to help his customers instead of only offering prescription drugs.

He developed his own line of custom formulated supplements to aid relaxation, stress and sleep

that he initially had no idea how to sell online.

We worked to structure the front and back end of his Shopify store to turn this into a scalable brand that stands out from the crowd, optimising his website, Amazon store, emails, supply chain and cashflow.

Want Me To Help You

Achieve The Same?

Book a call with me now...

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